
Saturday, May 29, 2021

Why copper the first choice for the electrical wire industry?

Copper with the atomic symbol Cu and atomic number 29 is one of the most abundant elements in the environment. Its red-orangish metallic luster makes it easily recognizable. It's usually found in the construction line, electrical industries, home appliances, etc. 

Apart from all the industries, copper has been the favorite element for the electrical wire industry. Be it power cable for TVs, computers, home appliances all are made of copper. It has been powering innumerable devices that are a part of our daily life. In a nutshell, Copper has become an inevitable part of our life. 

Electrical copper wire for electrical industry

Due to the exceptional properties of copper, it has been on the favorite list of our electrical wire manufacturing industries like Rajasthan Electric Industries. But what makes Copper an ideal element for this purpose? 

The exceptional properties and features of electrical copper wire make it the perfect match for the industry. So, let’s go through these properties and why it is preferred for creating electrical wires

  • Conductivity- Copper ranks second in the list of high electrical conductivity. Only silver has higher conductivity than copper, still not preferred over copper by the electrical industry. There are two reasons for it, firstly Silver is way costlier than copper. Secondly, it oxidizes very easily as soon as it comes in contact with the air. The high conductivity of copper allows the current to travel for longer distances and at affordable pricing. Also, copper is known to deplete the least electrical charge when compared to other wires
  • Ductility- Copper wires top the list in terms of ductility as well. This is because wires made of copper can be stretched to significantly great lengths. Electrical wires have to anyways travel across walls, floors, other tight spaces, etc. So, they have to bend like a snake at innumerable points in its way. The super ductility of copper allows it to bend along all the ways and turns of the tight spaces. The exceptional conductivity of copper combined with its ductility allows the free flow of current through the bends. Even after so much stretching and bending, electrical copper wires do not break or weaken. 
  • Affordability- Copper is one of the most affordable electrical elements. Even after holding such amazing electrical properties, it is inexpensive and thus preferred over so many other metals. Gold and silver are excellent conductors too. Still, industries will not start manufacturing wires out of gold or silver They will run out of capital very soon with depreciated revenue on the other hand, as no one will be willing to buy so expensive wires. This sole reason is enough to use copper as a standard element in the electrical wire industry. Also, there is no point in shifting to an expensive counterpart when you can get almost the same conductivity as copper. 
  • Thermal resistance- Thermal resistance has been an overlooked property of copper. As we all know that electrical fire has been in the news for ages. It has been causing much harm to humans as well as to businesses. Copper wires are safe to use for commercial purposes as well as for your home appliances. Electrical wires are high-tension lines that go through constant fluctuation in temperature. Their heat resistance is resilient enough to not catch any fire at high temperatures as well. It even does not heat up in case of normal usage and due to this are long-lasting.
  • Abundance- The abundance of copper on earth is a very good reason for it being used in infinite quantities. There are not many elements that are in as much abundance as copper is as per the geologists. As per the records, only the top one-kilometer layer of the copper present is enough for millions of years from now. So, you can estimate in what abundance copper is present on earth. Also extracting copper is not very troublesome that further leads to an increased extraction rate. 

All these properties define what copper is and why it is the first choice of the electrical industry. As it is inexpensive for the industry, it is sold at such reasonable pricing to the customers also. Hence, copper has been a universally accepted standard for wire manufacturers. 


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